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What if you could get out of debt? Imagine That!


Drop the Debt Weight is an easy-to-read guide to help you get results. Learn how to use proven strategies to pay off debt. So you can get out of debt and live better.


Your Debt, Your Life

Is debt weighing you down? Life’s too short to be stressed! Now is the time to pay off debt and take your life back. Check out the book trailer below.

Discover How to Pay Off Debt Faster…

It’s true that you don’t know, what you don’t know. Get this new book so you can be in the know andlearn proven strategies to get out of debt yourself.

This book shows you how to use simple techniques to pay off debt faster and for less money. It also reveals powerful tools to help you achieve success in life.

Plus, it has inspiring quotes and real-life stories from everyday people to help you avoid costly mistakes and debt traps.

Ready to drop debt? Click here to learn more about what’s inside.

“Kembala’s new book is such a great read because it reveals powerful life changing tools. It helps you feel better about yourself.”

Real Client Debt Story

Kembala Helped Me Get Unstuck & Find Financial Freedom

What Was Your Financial Situation?

Well, that’s a loaded question. Let’s just say I was at a major fork in the road in my life… I wasn’t where I envisioned myself to be professionally and financially. I was in between jobs and ended up settling on something to try and make ends meet. Creditors, including student loan and credit companies, were looking for their money. I felt trapped and stuck.

How much did you owe?

Um, over $30,000 in student loan and credit card debt.

What was your credit score?

It’s so easy to discuss this now. Back then, it was HARD. I internalized all of my financial struggles because I was embarrassed. I wasn’t willing to share this with anyone and it actually hurt me more. My FICO score was 530!

How Did You Know You Needed Help?

First of all, I didn’t like how I felt. You can only compartmentalize things for so long before it has an effect on you.

Secondly, I got tired of companies telling me I had to pay more for a service because I was deemed a greater risk. I hated that.

Lastly, but most importantly… I experienced one of the most demoralizing events. I was denied a mortgage. Not because of income considerations or any down payment concerns. It was all because of my 530 FICO score. This was very disheartening.

In the end, it served as the rocket fuel to ignite change in my life.

What Were Your Results?

I worked with Kembala to create a plan to get out of my situation. The journey, which had many turns, was well worth it.

Regaining dignity in myself has been priceless. Kembala reinforced what happened in the past is the past; let it stay there. She was empathetic and seemed to believe in me. This strengthened my resolve to believe in the strategy she developed to reset my financial standing.

What I did…

Within months of working with Kembala, I began to see my credit score improve. With her plan, I discovered I had more money than I thought. I immediately began paying down credit card and student loan debt while also making sure all other bills were paid on time. Eventually, the previously denied mortgage application was approved. My FICO score jumped above 620. In a short timeframe, the results I experienced were undeniable. It inspired me to go beyond the original plan and ultimately helped change my life.

Over the course of a few years after adopting principles learned from Kembala, I did the impossible and PAID OFF over $30,000 in credit card and student loan debt. Since then, I’ve never owed a dime to a credit card company. I have three credit cards that I use regularly. Every mortgage I’ve applied for since the first one has been approved with no problem.  I no longer pay more or have to pay a deposit for services like cell phone service, electric/utility, or a car loan like I did when I was trapped. Today, I qualify for pre-approved offers, the lowest interest rates and incentives. Each time I’ve purchased a new vehicle, I’ve paid it off in less than two years.  

Now my FICO score is over 840. Thanks, Kembala!

Drop the Debt Weight Book

About The Author

Kembala Evans is an author, financial coach and speaker. She uses a holistic approach to help people overcome challenges and improve their personal finances. Kembala wrote Drop the Debt Weight and Get Your Money Right to do just that.

Some people think debt has to be a way of life. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be. – Kembala Evans

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